ser honorable
Valoramos la integridad y el coraje por encima de la comodidad y la conveniencia.
Elevar equipo
Somos un equipo diverso de personas que valoramos la oportunidad de anteponer a los demás a nosotros mismos y abrazar la camaradería.
Abrazar la propiedad
Somos dueños de nuestro mundo, afrontamos los desafíos y protegemos ferozmente nuestra reputación brindando un trabajo de calidad y fomentando relaciones.
Valor seguridad
Debemos asumir la responsabilidad personal de la seguridad nuestra y de quienes nos rodean, tanto en el trabajo como en el hogar.
Podemos ir MÁS GRANDE y MÁS PROFUNDO para hacer bien el trabajo sucio.
the first time
Gas natural
From main to meter, Das-Co of Idaho performs all aspects of natural gas distribution work. The department is comprised of long-term and highly competent personnel with multiple composite crews. The services provided for utility companies include the installation of gas distribution mains, service lines, and regulator stations. Our primary customers for this department are Intermountain Gas Company and Cascade Natural Gas. All distribution construction services are self-performed by experienced personnel and specialized equipment.
Das-Co of Idaho is now a “One Stop Shop” for all utility needs in the underground world. Although Water & Sewer is new to Das-co, our team has decades of experience in all forms of pipeline installations from sewer, water, storm drain, irrigation and grading. This department is no stranger to commercial, residential, County or Federal work. We have been involved in simple projects all the way up to water and waste water treatment facilities.
Das-co of Idaho Telecommunications crews can be found working all over the Northwest United States having constructed numerous projects throughout Idaho, Oregon, Nevada, Washington, Montana, Wyoming and Utah over the last several years. With specialized equipment to include but not limited to Cable Plows, Drop Plows, Trackhoes, Backhoes, Directional Drills, Aerial Equipment, Blowing and Pulling Equipment Das-co of Idaho’s seasoned crews are experienced in all aspects of the Aerial, Underground and Buried Placement of Fiber Optics, Copper and Coax Cables.